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Beckham's Bucks 

Providing even more comfort to bereaved parents


Beckham's Bucks 

This was inspired by a sweet momma who donated her discount when she bought a doll for her precious baby named Beckham.  she then proceeded to donate money to a donation fund.

This is a way to help gift funds to bereaved parents who simply cannot afford the cost of a doll to make them more affordable.

Every dollar donated will go directly to a parent in need. The goal is to help as many parents as possible and for many anything helps. Every month I will be allocating the funds donated to help make Briden babies even more affordable when needed. 


Thank you,

Briden’s mommy


Donate Now

Beckham's Bucks


"Every mama who has had to experience this deserves whatever small connection back that they can get."

-Beckham's Mommy

In Need?

Beckham's Bucks Application

I'm sorry for your loss, we will be in touch soon

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